Micro-perforated bread bags

Micro-perforated bread bags are polypropylene bags (PP bags) that are mainly used for packing crusty rolls and French bread. Micro-perforated bags are designed to guarantee the quality of these products as long as possible. Because, contrary to regular plastic bags and packaging, micro-perforated bags have the unique property of being - to a degree - permeable to oxygen. Micro-perforated bags are, like all standard plastic bags, available in various types, sizes and versions. From small to large.

Microperforated vest type bags

Special polypropylene bags for packing, for example, crusty rolls. The bags are easy to close with the "shirt carrier" version. Material: CPP 30my

Microperforated vest type bags
Article numberDescriptionPacked per
3219Microperforated vest type bags 240 x 450 mm2000